The Plastic Surgery Channel

Fat Injections and What They Can Do for You

Fat injections are an innovative cosmetic surgery procedure that helps restore a youthful appearance to the face by filling in fine lines and wrinkles. At the same time, patients often benefit from liposuction in targeted areas, to harvest the fat cells used for the procedure.

Underlying tissues of the human body support the skin and give it the plumpish appearance of a youthful person. As the aging process sets in, these tissues gradually break down and cause tiny lines and noticeable wrinkles to develop on the skin. A non-surgical cosmetic procedure, fat injection can help aging individuals restore their youthful appearance by filling in sagging or wrinkling areas of the skin.

Fat injection involves harvesting of fat from the patient’s own body, processing the fat, and then injecting it back to other parts of the body where it is needed. The procedure is also known as microlipoinjection and autologous fat transplantation.

What Microlipoinjection Does

When a patient receives fat injections, the fat fills some space underneath deep wrinkles, creases on the face, or sunken areas. When the fat is injected, the surface of the skin is stretched and wrinkles are eliminated, restoring the smoothness of the face.  Fat injections can also be used in the cheeks and lips to make them look fuller and plumper.

How Microlipoinjection is Performed

Using techniques similar to liposuction, fat is extracted from areas of the body that serve as donors. The extracted fat is processed with the use of a centrifuge. Finally, the extract is injected into the areas of the body where treatment is sought. The entire procedure can take 1 to 1 ½ hours, depending on how many injections are needed to achieve the desired results.  Recovery time is usually 7 to 10 days.

The desirable effects of the fat injections last for a few months, after which time the injected fat will be absorbed by the body. To experience the effects for a longer period, the patient must have multiple treatments.

Side Effects of Microlipoinjection
Swelling and redness, as well as itching and mild discomfort, are common for the first couple of days after the procedure. Because fat is donated from the patient’s own body, there is no risk of allergic reaction.

Fat injections can be an effective way to reduce wrinkles and facial scarring and enhance the skin of the face. By restoring the volume of certain areas of the face, fat injection can help reduce these signs of aging and help people project a more youthful appearance.