The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Weekend Breast Augmentation–Philadelphia Pennsylvania

If you’re considering breast augmentation but worry you don’t have time to deal with recovery, your worries are over.  Dr. Lou Bucky, a board certified plastic surgeon in Philadelphia says one of patient’s biggest concerns about surgery is the discomfort and length of recovery. He says new medical concepts, technology and processes have led to a greater satisfaction for breast augmentation patients. Bucky calls his process ‘Rapid Recovery’ or ‘Weekend Breast Augmentation’. He says, patients who have surgery on Friday can be out in the world on Monday and feeling great.



By Louis P. Bucky, MD
and Carolynn Grimes

How Breast Augmentation Has Changed

Breast AugmentationWith new advancements in breast augmentation, many of patient’s past concerns are eliminated. Bucky says, if there is a well thought out plan prior to surgery, there isn’t as much of a “look and see” process that happens during the operation. “Both patients and physicians better understand what the optimal breast implant size is for the patient,” says Bucky. Additionally, says Bucky, the need for sizers to go in and out of the incision into the breast pocket is greatly reduced.” New devices like the Keller Funnel are now frequently used in breast augmentation surgeries. The Keller Funnel, Bucky says, acts like a pastry funnel to allow the insertion of gel implants into the breast pocket with a smaller incision and much less trauma.

“The way the operation is performed today it’s a much more gentle process. The days of using blunt instrumentation and pulling and tearing at the muscle are gone. We now use fine precision and delicate treatment of the chest wall to make sure the patient is comfortable during and after the operation,” says Bucky.

Prior to Surgery

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, your surgeon may ask you to:
• Get a medical evaluation
• Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
• Get a mammogram before surgery and after surgery to help detect any future changes in your breast tissue
• Stop smoking well in advance of your breast augmentation surgery
• Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

For your breast augmentation surgery, you will need a friend or family member to help you through the first 24 hours. If your surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for the first night following surgery.