The Plastic Surgery Channel

Manly Cosmetic Treatment Centers – The Newest Trend?

A common misconception is that plastic surgery is something only women do, and a plastic surgeon’s office may do nothing to change that. Most employees are women. Most patients are women. The office itself may smell like something sweet and pleasant. However, Dr. Grant Stevens of Marina Del Ray, California is here to put a crack in the dam.

By Grant Stevens, MD
and Chris Knisley

What A Man Wants

It’s no secret that men want things their way, and men and women want to be catered to. Dr. Stevens knows that the best way to find out what someone wants is to ask them:

“I would interview the guys and talk to them about what they wanted to hear about, like procedures that were unique to men, because with CoolSculpting men are tied down for an hour or two and they can’t move.”


Intelligence gathering is a key aspect. Two years ago, Dr. Stevens’ clientele was ninety percent women. CoolSculpting, a non-surgical procedure, has played a major role in the introduction of more men into the office. So while men are tied down having some of their fat cells annihilated, Dr. Stevens is able to probe their brain and find out a little more of what they want.

“It’s funny,” says Stevens. “Men want to have hair on their head and they want hair off their back.”

Now Dr. Stevens does hair removal. But it’s not all about the procedures or their availability. He also wanted to know: “What do you like about this place? What don’t you like about it?”

Man with Plastic Surgery MarkingsWhat A Man Needs

Marina Plastic Surgery in Marina Del Rey is getting a new wing. A space where men’s senses will experience something perhaps more soothing, is right around the corner (and across the hall). Marina Man Land will deliver the environment in which men can wash away their preconceived notions of plastic surgery.

With an atmosphere that evokes something between a sports bar and a smoking lounge, Marina Man Land bucks the carpet or tile for dark hardwood floors and wood paneling. There aren’t any sofas, but there are plenty of leather chairs and flatscreen televisions. Even the bathrooms have flatscreens.

Marina Man Land will have its own entrance and exit, and its own reception. It will tackle hair removal in the Bear’s Lair, NeoGraft in the Lion’s Den. Another room will provide injectables like Botox. The only thing it doesn’t have is beer, for now.

What A Man Gets

Environment is essential. Everyone wants to feel comfortable wherever they are. In Marina Del Ray there will be a place where men can comfortably get as beautiful as the women in their lives.

Dr. Stevens is breaking the mold. He’s breaking new ground. Marina Man Land is the fruit of his labor and what it delivers could be revolutionary.