The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Three Questions to ask yourself about plastic surgery

Does your plastic surgeon have a philosophy? Dr. Bob Grant of New York City has a philosophy. He calls it his Life Stage Personal Enhancement. He believes that in these modern times, plastic surgeons are well-equipped to play a vital role in a person’s aging appearance without having to immediately perform surgery. No matter your age, there is something you could be doing to keep your appearance healthy and youthful.

By Robert T. Grant, MD
and Chris Knisley
The Plastic Surgery Channel

A Cut Above The Norm

Dr. Grant’s philosophy refers to the goal of incrementally taking care of yourself, instead of waiting later in life and making a drastic overhaul. Scientific advances in planning, practices, and overall anatomical and aesthetic knowledge have given plastic surgeons the ability to address an ever-increasing range of bodily issues.

However, Grant’s philosophy cannot replace a person’s individual efforts toward healthy living. Diet and exercise are still very important. The kind of personal enhancement that Grant suggests has the intention of taking the baton from healthy living and carrying it on to the finish line of looking your best. 


“With the techniques that we have, whether they be for the nose, exercise resistant areas of fat, or a change in breast size and shape, now is a great time to speak with a plastic surgeon.”

The Questions

After a presentation, Dr. Grant was approached by a woman who consolidated his philosophy into three questions:                                 

Why not?

Dr. Grant explains, “You’ve done everything you can in your twenties and thirties to eat right and exercise, but because of the gene pool that you were given thanks to your parents, there may be some things about your particular appearance that you don’t like.” Having such issues altered can significantly impact self-confidence as young men and woman start their professional lives.

In addition, modern advances in skincare treatments allow young adults to get a jump start on taking care of their skin, halting damage that will further push back the need for lasers and surgical treatment decades later.

Why now?

To this Dr. Grant refers to those years when our bodies, especially women’s bodies, are changing, or have already changed, chemically. Estrogens taper off and often with them go that wonderfully youthful appearance. Before the skin loses its integrity and elasticity, a consultation could prove quite valuable.

When a plastic surgeon is involved in the aging process, major surgeries could be avoided in favor of minor procedures that address issues before they become problems.

Why bother?

You’re not ready to throw in the towel! Plastic surgery isn’t all about going under the knife. Surgeons have many, many tools in their box. Incremental or subtle improvements can be accomplished with relatively gentle techniques and practices.


In the end, surgeons have a responsibility to their patients. They are first and foremost interested in achieving the results their patients want and deserve. Aging can be a troublesome road to travel, but Dr. Grant is ready to be your companion to keep you young and healthy.