The Plastic Surgery Channel

Breast Implants: Forget the Cup Size!

When it comes to beautiful breasts, perhaps we get too hung up on the cup size. Your friend is a 34C and it looks good, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into the size that will look good on YOU. Plus, there’s no standardization for bras. Every brand and style fits and feels different. That’s why it takes the expertise of a board certified plastic surgeon to help you select the look you want to achieve.

By Mark Pinsky, MD 
and Beverly Brooks
The Plastic Surgery Channel

At Pinsky Plastic Surgery, Dr. Mark Pinsky brings his artistic eye and years of experience into every patient consultation. “It’s not as much about the implant, as it is the artistry.”

Imaging Techniques for Sizing

Bio-dimensional planning is critical.  We take dimensions of the implants and match it to the proportion of a woman’s figure so it “fits” her figure, ” says Mark Pinsky, MD. “It also reduces risk of complications and re-operations and that’s critical – we don’t want to make unnatural breasts, we want women to look beautiful.”

Pinsky’s patients have an opportunity to create and view a 3D simulation of their possible outcome. These images, taken by the Canfield Vectra™ 3D system, are very accurate and extremely helpful to women who want to see what they might look like after surgery. From there, a small range of implants will be selected to produce optimal, long lasting outcomes, with the final implant selection being made between patient and doctor.

“This imaging system educates our patients so they can view the images at home and review them with a loved one, such as a spouse, relative or friend. It takes a lot of guesswork out of the decision making process.”


Implant Options

With so many implant options, the first step should be research and educating yourself on the types of implants available. There are now many options available, including a range of profiles (how tall the implant is), textures, shapes and implant consistencies.  A reputable board certified plastic surgeon will use key measurements to help select from a small range of implants and styles that will work best for your tissues, shape, size, and age.  Choosing an implant that is proportionate to your body will give you the most natural and long-lasting result.

Recovery From Breast Augmentation

A surgical technique used at Pinsky & Lickstein Plastic Surgery reduces the amount of trauma to the breast tissue at the time of surgery. Translation: No breast drains and no bulky compression garments or restricted arm movements. Patients can raise there hands high immediately after surgery.

“We have patients who simply take Tylenol and go out to dinner the day of their surgery; it’s remarkable,” says Pinsky.

Reducing Breast Implant Revision

Dr. Pinsky serves on the Allergan Breast Aesthetics Executive Council, a distinguished advisory panel of ten internationally recognized leaders in breast surgery. The education initiative, called the 50 in 5 Challenge is designed to provide aesthetic surgeons education on the best practices to help reduce the incidence of breast implant revision by 50% within 5 years.

To take the first step in achieving this goal, there are core practice principles focused on four key areas directly related to reducing revisions and improving patient outcomes.