The Plastic Surgery Channel

Throw out your deodorant, miraDry may be the new solution!

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures truly are the rage, spanning from skin tightening to fat removal. More and better technology continues to be released, inspiring a whole new set of the population to become intrigued with the latest technology meant to treat common, everyday problems.

One new technology used by Dr. Bruce Van Natta, a board certified plastic surgeon in Indianapolis, is an energy-based tool that zaps away odor and sweat glands in the armpits called miraDry.  miraDry is a permanent solution to an age-old problem… sweaty underarms!

By Bruce Van Natta, MD
and Adam McMillon
The Plastic Surgery Channel

No more deodorant

maxresdefaultThe FDA cleared miraDry and the device now sits in a select few physician offices across the country, one being Dr. Van Natta.  In a clinical study, patients experienced an average of 82% reduction in underarm sweat.

“miraDry is a new technology that uses electromagnetic energy to heat the sweat glands in the armpit,” explains Van Natta. “This heat typically destroys the glands in a single treatment. It’s performed in the office, and it’s non-surgical – no cuts or incisions. You have to numb the area and it takes about 1 and a half hours to complete. As a secondary benefit, the treatment knocks out about 90% of the hair follicles!”

Will this negatively impact my body’s ability to cool down?

Sweat glands are very important. Without the ability to sweat, our bodies would not be able to regulate core temperature, a requirement to healthy existence. If miraDry is harming the sweat 78163754_XSglands in the armpit, won’t this affect the body’s ability to cool? “The reality is you only sweat about 1% of your body sweat through your armpits,” says Van Natta.

Chemicals in Deodorant

Many people these days are taking extra precautions with what they’re putting on their bodies. One product that many are concerned about is deodorant. Most deodorants have potentially harmful ingredients such as aluminum compounds, parabens, propylene glycol and triclosan. Undergoing a miraDry treatment may alleviate the fear people have that deodorants absorbed through the skin could cause health problems long term.

The Recovery

The technology sounds almost too good to be true. No surgery, one procedure, won’t affect your body’s ability to regulate temperature, gets rid of the odor glands and 90% of the hair follicles, and no more buying deodorants…the benefits seem enormous. The few downsides include a bit of discomfort following the procedure, an experience that Van Natta can accurately describe considering that he underwent the treatment himself!

“I had this treatment! It really was surprisingly comfortable,” describes Van Natta. “Afterward I had a little numbness, but the recovery wasn’t bad. I did a bit of icing after the procedure and that was it. Here I am 6 weeks later. I’m standing here filming this in a warm room with hot lights. When I take off my coat, I’m perfectly dry!”

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