The Plastic Surgery Channel

Restore Your Hair with Neograft Technology

One of the most terrifying things, for a woman, is to see a huge handful of hair come out as she tries to style it! And for men, to see their hairline keep receding or to notice a bald spot on the top of their head, is just as horrifying! Hair loss is problem for both men and women but not an insurmountable one. Technological and surgical advances have combined to create a less invasive, and some doctors say a more predictable way to restore hair loss. “Neograft is a nice, new technique for hair transplantation. One of the best things my patients like about it is that you don’t have a scar posteriorly on the scalp,” says Dr. Brad Calobrace of Louisville, Kentucky. Traditionally, hair transplantation surgery required leaving a rather large scar across the back of the patient’s scalp and with the Neograft procedure, the scar is eliminated.

By Brad Calobrace, MD
and Beverly Brooks
The Plastic Surgery Channel

Advances in Hair Restoration

Dr. Calobrace prefers this new techniques because it’s so precise. “Follicular units of hair are taken out of the back of the scalp and then replaced in the front where they would naturally grow.” This process produces a more natural look with grafts that are sustainable and that will continue to grow over the life of the patient. “They never lose the grafts and it can be done with no scar on the back of the head which is a big selling point for my patients.”


Hair loss attacks both genders

Hair loss is not picky about the gender it attacks. Balding issues exist for both men and women, although their issues will be different. “Women tend to get a more global thinning of their hair, almost as if you put a bowl on their head, it tends to get very thin,” says Dr. Calobrace. “For men, they get more recession of their hair lines and it starts to thin in the frontal area, but they also really hate how the hair tends to thin on top.”

Neograft is a way to give patients full growth of hair back to all areas of their scalp, with minimal recovery and risk.


Even though Dr. Calobrace himself has a full head of hair, at the ripe old age of 52, he understands why this procedure is so important to his patients. “Hair loss and it’s psychological trauma is real.  It’s real for men and for women and they both equally hate it when they start to see thinning hair.”

Happy hair transplant patients are easy to spot, “I can always tell the relief and satisfaction of my patients because they come in wearing a hat and six months to a year later, there’s no hat!”