The Plastic Surgery Channel

Happy Anniversary, Charlotte Plastic Surgery!

At Charlotte Plastic Surgery, the group of surgeons aren’t just part of a medical practice, they are part of a family. A family that has been around for 65 years! This special plastic surgery practice in Charlotte, North Carolina was founded in 1951 by William T. Berkley, MD, the first plastic surgeon to service the community. He named the practice, Charlotte Plastic Surgery® and registered the name with the US Patents and Trademark office giving it the distinction of being able to use the Registered Trademark symbol ® which today, in the world of the internet, would be hard to secure since the name is just a place and a specialty! Since then, Charlotte Plastic Surgery has been committed to providing the highest level of care and expertise plastic surgery has to offer to its neighbors.

by The Plastic Surgery Channel
and Stephan Finical, MD

Drawing on Expertise

Dr. Stephan Finical was drawn to be a part of this group over fourteen years ago from his faculty position at the Mayo Clinic. He says, “Everyone kind of knows Charlotte Plastic Surgery as a national group and it is a really nice group to be a part of.”

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Having history in the community and maintaining that history gives Charlotte Plastic Surgery something to offer that not many medical practices can. “Often we see patients who remember coming to Dr. Berkeley to have stitches as a teenager, but are now seeing us for a facelift,” shares Finical, “or we see patients who have had their breast implants for 30 years and now need a revision and because of our history, we still have their original charts and know their implant sizes.” Traditionally when a surgeon retires, the patient records retire with them and are hard to locate in the future when you really need them.

Here to Stay

“I think what we have to offer patients is very special. They know that we are not fly by night and that they can have an ongoing medical relationship with us as time goes by,” says Dr. Finical. Often patients refer their daughters and their granddaughters adding their family to the family at Charlotte Plastic Surgery because they trust in the care and believe in the history.

Collectively, there is over 100 years’ worth of experience patients can rely on in the surgical depth that is Charlotte Plastic Surgery. Having expertise like this to rely on as a patient is an amazing resource but the surgeons enjoy that pleasure as well. “If I have a difficult case, I know that I can rely on one of my partners to listen and help me work through that case. We can cross pollinate and learn from each other,” explains Dr. Finical.

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Collaborative Environment

Patients have access to all of the surgeons and their expertise at Charlotte Plastic Surgery and will often see more than one of the surgeons during their initial visit. Each surgeon has their own specialty and favorite procedure but all enjoy learning from each other. Having a collaborative environment like this and the history of 65 years of service and commitment to the community makes the surgical environment at Charlotte Plastic Surgery very special. Congratulations on 65 years of continued excellence in plastic surgery!