The Plastic Surgery Channel

Using Your Own Fat for a More Shapely Derriere

Men and women who are dissatisfied with either the shape or size of their buttocks or want a more proportionate derriere can change their appearance with a buttock augmentation. Prospective patients who are younger generally seek a more balanced figure while those over 50 are interested in restoring lost volume and shape. In either case the procedure is performed in one of two ways–with implants, or fat transfer. Dr. Robert Whitfield has seen an increase in requests for buttock augmentation consults at his Austin, Texas practice. He prefers fat grafts, also known as a ‘Brazilian Butt Lift’ to using gluteal implants. “There’s been a big trend towards using fat grafts to do butt augmentations (in this country.)” In his opinion, it provides a more natural result with fewer complications.

by The Plastic Surgery Channel
and Robert Whitfield, MD

What is the difference between butt lift and implants?

In a Brazilian Butt Lift, fat is extracted with liposuction, the fat is processed, and the viable fat is micro-injected into the buttocks. An experienced surgeon can deliver fat grafts that are long lasting while minimizing complications. Dr. Whitfield warns against traveling outside the country for a quick fix because the risks are great. Many less than scrupulous practitioners trying to capitalize on the trend toward larger buttocks will inject dangerous substances into unsuspecting patients. “When you inject you have to do it so you don’t injure nerves or expose patients to potential infections…You can get yourself into real trouble,” warns Whitfield.

Woman looks at derriere in mirror.

Many Different Shapes and Sizes

Dr. Whitfield examines each patient and tailors his surgical plan by considering both their desires and their anatomy. Much like breasts, buttocks come in all shapes, sizes and profiles. “It’s important to set realistic expectations.” Important variables include the patient’s initial shape, size and skin quality. Proper assessment is key in order to determine the best combination of techniques to use. The new and improved shape must compliment the rest of the body. Often the lower back, waist and hips are also treated to provide a more aesthetic transition in the torso through liposuction. “We take a reasonable, measured approach for a safe and happy outcome,” says Whitfield.

Experience Matters

The decision to have buttock augmentation surgery is very personal. Patients must decide if the benefits will achieve their goals and if the risks, potential complications and relatively long recovery are acceptable. There is no doubt that the success of the procedure and minimization of risks is highly dependent upon the surgeon and his technique. An experienced board certified plastic surgeon should be the only provider one considers. Dr. Whitfield spends time discussing the procedure in depth with each patient and addressing all questions and concerns about the procedure. “In our practice…we not only provide a more full and contoured buttock area, but we do it in a way that gives people safe and long lasting results.”