The Plastic Surgery Channel

ThermiVa and the Complete Mommy Makeover

For years the procedure known as a “mommy makeover” addressed breast enhancement and a tummy tuck to help return women to their former glory prior to pregnancy and nursing. Today, a mommy makeover can also dip below the bikini line to restore and rejuvenate the vaginal area. Plastic surgeon, Dr. Christine Hamori is recognized for her expertise in cosmetic gynecology–including vaginal aesthetic surgeries such as labiaplasty and labial fat grafting. She is one of the first surgeons to offer the latest radiofrequency technology called ThermiVa® on Boston’s South Shore.

by Isabel Bolt
and Christine Hamori, MD

ThermiVa – the Latest Soldier in the Vaginal Revolution

ThermiVa is a proprietary non-surgical modality to tighten and rejuvenate the vagina–both inside and out. Prospective patients seeking to restore their breasts and tummies are now being more candid during their consultations about concerns below the belt. “Usually women who have had a couple kids begin looking at themselves and feel like their breasts are saggy, and their belly is “pouchy” and they’re not feeling very sexy around the underwear section,” says Dr. Hamori. After they discuss a breast lift or implant and a mini or full tummy tuck, the conversation shifts to the vaginal area. “They talk about feeling all floppy and loose and also about incontinence.” According to Hamori changes in the vagina are due not only to childbearing but are also a consequence of age and lack of estrogen. ThermiVa is showing great promise in several areas of vaginal rejuvenation including tightening, treating incontinence and improving sexual satisfaction.

ThermiVa is an office procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes. An ultrasound gel is applied to the outside of the vagina on both the labia majora and labia minora. Then a smooth probe is used to apply heat to the areas for 5 minutes each side. Next, the wand is inserted internally and Dr. Hamori uses gentle sweeping strokes inside the vaginal cavity. “Patients describe it as a warm sensation. It is painless. After you leave the office you can go home, go to the gym, and even have sex.” Three sessions spaced a month apart are enough to provide results that last about a year.

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The feedback Dr. Hamori has gotten has been very exciting. “Usually in only a couple weeks patients see a difference. They don’t feel as saggy or stretched out. They notice a tighter appearance of their labia majora. Urinary complaints improve because the internal part of the procedure tightens not only the fascia but the pelvic floor and urethra.” Each subsequent treatment delivers continuous improvement. Vaginal dryness, laxity, and increased sexual satisfaction have been reported. In some patients Dr. Hamori might recommend additional fat grafting to plump up the outer lips or labiaplasty to decrease the inner lips, but for many ThermiVa® is enough to make patients happy both functionally and aesthetically.

Dr. Hamori performs this full body mommy makeover in a state-of-the-art surgery suite in her Duxbury, Massachusetts office. Because a patient must be awake to indicate their heat tolerance, it cannot be done simultaneously with a breast enhancement and tummy tuck surgery. However, Dr. Hamori often bundles ThermiVa either at the pre-op appointment or post-operatively.