The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Spin Live… Social Media and Plastic Surgery?

Social media has made it easier than ever to talk to friends, family and even strangers. What’s more, platforms like Twitter and Instagram serve as a great communication tools for news organizations, businesses, and your health care professionals.  The panel of plastic surgeons on No Spin Live uses social media in their practices to continually engage and inform patients, but how effective is it?

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Dr. Del Vecchio routinely uses Instagram to show not only before and afters, but new techniques and trends.  Dr. Olivier Branford has a huge Twitter following, which he uses to post informative information for people interested in plastic surgery.  Through both avenues they’re able to maintain an open line of communication about the latest in plastic surgery news and trends.

Dr. Pozner warns of the downsides of this type of  communication, namely because it’s fairly easy for anyone to claim to be an expert and post misleading or false information.  However, by embracing the benefits of social media, surgeons can now counteract false information by posting and passing on the correct information.

Social media can play a part in enhancing the patient experience, but only in the right hands.  Find out more in the latest No Spin Live!