There is no doubt presidents undergo accelerated aging while in office. Rather than year over year aging the average person experiences, the man in the Oval Office seems to mature in dog years. Drs. Dan Maman and Shaun Parson analyzed photos of President Obama taken 8 years apart. They were asked, “As plastic surgeons, what would you do to rejuvenate President Obama?”
By Isabel Bolt
The Plastic Surgery Channel
Wear and Tear
Dr. Daniel Maman noted that while Obama has definitely aged over his two terms in office, the side by side photos made the changes appear even more dramatic, but no less typical than the average man from his mid-40s to mid-50s. Dr. Shaun Parson agreed that every man shows signs of aging when they reach their 50s, but in the case of being “beaten up” as President, there is understandably more wear and tear. “As one of the most powerful men in the world,” said Dr. Maman, “he has an incredibly fatiguing job… and we know fatigue and chronic stress can expedite the signs of aging.” In other words, the psychological effects play as big a role in appearance as chronological measurements.
Aside from stress, heredity and behavior also affect how people age. Because of his race and ethnicity, President Obama has extra pigment in his skin. This protects him from the skin aging effects of the sun making him look a bit younger than his years. However, he has acknowledged smoking which will certainly speed up the development of wrinkles.

A Mock Consultation
From a physical perspective both surgeons saw opportunities for improvement in adding facial volume and addressing the area around the eyes. “I see telltale furrows in his forehead and changes in the periorbital region… deepening of under eye bags, the lengthening of crow’s feet, ptosis of the brow,” said Dr. Maman. Dr. Parson thought Mr. Obama could consider dermal fillers for facial volume loss. In men, filler might be placed under the eyes, in the midface, along the jawline and temples. Men have a flatter face and more prominent jaw and brow, as well as a flatter brow and thicker skin. It’s important to maintain a masculine appearance by using filler conservatively. It is more about creating a smooth transition from the lower eyelid area to the upper cheek.
Does he or doesn’t he?
All things considered, Dr. Parson thinks Obama has weathered the storm reasonably well–perhaps with a little help. “Based on the photos his forehead looks a bit smoother than I would expect. He’s 54 and because of his position, he’s in the public eye a lot. He might be getting a little Botox.” Dr. Maman said he wouldn’t be surprised. “He has speaking coaches and stylists and tailors… why not some nonsurgical facial rejuvenation?”
In a recent USA Today interview Obama was asked about his appearance. “Obviously, I’ve gotten a little grayer since I took this job, but otherwise I feel pretty good,” he said. “And Michelle, you know, says that she still thinks I’m cute – and I guess that’s all that matters, isn’t it?”
The state of his union seems fine.