The Plastic Surgery Channel

Getting Real: Is there a Trend toward Avoiding Cosmetic Intervention?

“Are more people—including celebrities—rejecting the notion of plastic surgery?” That was the question recently discussed by board certified plastic surgeons Drs. Stafford Broumand and Richard Zienowicz. Over the last couple decades there has been a veritable evolution in less invasive procedures with virtually no downtime and little risk, and yet, the echo of, “I would never have ‘work’ done” persists. Are people just keeping quiet about their visits to the plastic surgeon, or is there still a stigma attached to those who want to slow the hands of time?

by Isabel Bolt
and Stafford Broumand, MD and Richard Zienowicz, MD

Exposing the Truth

Dr. Broumand of New York City disagrees with the premise that the popularity of plastic surgery is waning, nor does he believe those speaking out have an honest philosophical argument. “First, many people, especially celebrities, are not telling the truth about what they have had done. Secondly, if you wear makeup, color your hair, engage a personal trainer—all in the interest of changing your appearance—who is deciding what improvements are good or bad, right or wrong?”

Bad Plastic Surgery

Dr. Zienowicz is not experiencing any slowdown in his Rhode Island-based practice. In fact, he commented that even younger women are visiting his practice. “By starting early, you can actually delay the aging process without invasive surgery,” says Zienowicz. “What causes hesitation, if there is any, are the negative images in Hollywood perpetuated by people like Joan Rivers, Kim Kardashian, and Melanie Griffith.” Dr. Broumand agrees, “People are not turned off by plastic surgery, they are rebelling against bad plastic surgery. Our role as plastic surgeons is to continue to educate the public about how to prevent bad results.”


What are Friends For?

Both surgeons have heard, “…I want to look like my friend who comes to you…” during consultations. Dr. Broumand says they are often unaware of how much surgery their friend has had. “The work of skilled, board certified plastic surgeons is the opposite of obvious. It can in fact be almost imperceptible.”

No Judgment

For those who feel great about their body and don’t want to change a thing, bravo. But women who vehemently put down others for their nips and tucks might be positioning themselves as morally superior when it might have more to do with envy or financial issues. “It’s better to support those who are seeking positive changes and individual choices being made about aging,” says Dr. Zienowicz.


Ultimately it is a very personal decision. Most will agree it is wrong to be pressured into plastic surgery. Whether the demand is coming from a Hollywood agent or a boor of a significant other —promoting insecurity is not a tenet of aesthetic plastic surgery. Likewise, no one needs to be lectured about being fake when they are simply maintaining a more youthful look and fixing something on their body that makes them uncomfortable. Having plastic surgery doesn’t translate into the notion that you must be ashamed of who you are or that you are committing some form of vandalism.

Better Living through Looking your Best

Dr. Broumand summed it up this way, “This is better living through medicine and the science of plastic surgery. If you go to a board certified, trained plastic surgeon who is like-minded, he or she can give you the best outcome…and you won’t find any patient rebelling against looking better.”