The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Double Chin and No Downtime

In decades past, if you were bothered by the appearance of a double chin, your only option was surgery. Today, there are several non-invasive options available that can improve your chin and neck area during an office visit with no downtime required. In Austin, Texas, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Whitfield offers his patients a variety of non-surgical procedures to banish the dreaded double chin.

by Anne Meyer
and Robert Whitfield, MD

Two Great Options for a Great Profile

When asked which of the non-invasive procedures works best to treat a double chin, Dr. Whitfield explains how two procedures his practice offers patients target different types of trouble areas. “One non invasive treatment for the double chin is the Coo lMini from CoolSculpting®. The Cool Mini works by treating a wider area, so if you have a broader area of fatty tissue underneath, that’s probably a better option for you,” explains Whitfield.  “If you have a more focal area of double chin, it’s a little bit easier to treat with Kybella.  I find Kybella to be very efficient in the treatment of these more isolated pockets.” 

I’ve heard of CoolSculpting, but what is Kybella?

Kybella is a treatment that involves a series of injections to the chin. The injectable substance targets and destroys fat cells. “You have to be careful the patient doesn’t have too much skin laxity,” says Whitfield, who has noticed a modest amount of skin tightening after Kybella. If a patient has a significant degree of loose skin in the neck, he points out that they may instead be a better candidate for a neck lift. 

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“The bruising and swelling can last two to four weeks, depending on how that person responds to the treatment,” shares Whitfield. “They will get a little bit of numbness, but the results at one month are very good and they will continue to improve after that.”

How Do I Know Which Treatment is For Me?

If your chin is bothering you, the most important first step toward an improved profile is to be evaluated by a board certified plastic surgeon. “If you’re unfamiliar with facial anatomy, you could place the product too close to the nerve, resulting in an injury that will ultimately give you an asymmetric smile. It may not recover,” warns Whitfield. “Also, maybe you’re not a good candidate for Kybella or CoolSculpt. Maybe you should have a neck lift or liposuction instead.”  

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How Many Treatments Will I need?

As with most non-invasive procedures, patients can expect more than one treatment in order to achieve ideal results. On average, patients undergo two treatments with both Kybella and CoolSculpting. The treatments are spaced several weeks or a month apart. “I typically explain that this will require two treatments,” explains Whitfield. “It’s always best to manage the expectation that one is not going to be enough. And if it turns out it is, great.”