The Plastic Surgery Channel

3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Considering Liposuction

Thinking about Liposuction? Get the best results by considering these 3 simple tips from some of the leading plastic surgeons in the US!

1. Be within 5-10 lbs of your ideal weight


Liposuction is a contouring procedure  – NOT a weight loss procedure!  A fabulous result after Liposuction begins with a patient who is within 5-10 pounds of their ideal weight before liposuction.  The layer of fat right beneath the skin, the subcutaneous layer, IS responsive to your habits.  If you eat more and skip the gym, that layer gets thicker, you get fatter, but you weigh more all over – not just in one area.  So do all you can do on your own, then look into Liposuction!

Dr. Jarrod Daniel, of Charlotte Plastic Surgery says, “The best liposuction patients are truly the ones who are often frustrated the most  in the gym when all their hard work won’t pay off.  That’s when Liposuction can really help!”

2. Target ISOLATED bulges of fat


So you’ve worked hard on achieving your ideal body, but that bulge on the side of your leg just won’t go away?  Liposuction to the rescue! Dr. Mark Epstein, of Long Island New York, says “Liposuction technology is changing right before our eyes!

New technology like Vaser Liposuction can better target and sculpt away deep fatty bulges.” Deep fat tends to deposit in the flanks or love handles, abdomen, inner and outer thighs and belly on women and in men, deep deposits hang out in the chest, flanks and abdomen.

Deep fat deposits are always there – and are notorious for bugging you when you gain weight over them or lose weight and they are still there!

3. Accept the Quality & Quantity of your SKIN


For Liposuction to truly be a success and yield the result you’ve been dreaming of, there should be tight skin over the deep compartment of fat that you want to get rid of.  There is generally tight skin over outer thighs or saddle bag areas and often in the flanks or love handles, but if there’s been a pregnancy or two, finding tight skin in the belly might be hard.  Also, inner thighs can be a difficult area to find tight skin.

Why is tight skin importantDr. Caroline Glicksman, of New Jersey, says, “Ultimately, your result with liposuction really depends on the quality and quantity of your skin.”  If the skin is loose OVER the bulge before you start and you suction the bulge away, there will just be more lose skin!  That’s why wearing those pesky girdles religiously for weeks and weeks after Liposuction is SO important!

Use these 3 simple tips to help research Liposuction and be sure it is the right procedure for you!  And learn more about the differently types of Body Contouring procedures here!