The Plastic Surgery Channel

CoolSculpting: No Fat with No Surgery

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical technique that eliminates stubborn pockets of fat by literally freezing the fat cells away. Pretty cool, right? Patients certainly think so!

According to the latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), non-invasive fat reduction procedures such as CoolSculpting increased 5% last year. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Camp has certainly seen this happen in his Forth Worth practice, especially among men. He discusses how this technology is shaking up the body contouring landscape for those who never considered cosmetic surgery prior to non-surgical options.

What is CoolSculpting?

FDA approved in 2010 for treating the abdomen, flanks and thighs, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It works by freezing the fat in the targeted area. The fat cells are neutralized and then ultimately eliminated by your lymphatic system. “What a great idea,” says Dr. Camp. The technology evolved from two scientists at Harvard studying kids with popsicles. They noticed that when children sucked on a frozen treat, they got dimples in their cheeks because the cold was freezing away tiny pockets of fat.

Hugely popular with over 4 million procedures performed worldwide, plastic surgeons like Dr. Camp have seen phenomenal applications for this device and technology in both men and women. “I find that patients really, really enjoy the flexibility of the technology and the power of what it can do for body contouring.” It’s just an easy way to take care of something that bothers a lot of patients because it requires:

One of the best things about CoolSculpting is that it’s performed in the comfort of your surgeon’s office. Patients can read or catch up on emails while getting their fat eliminated and the procedure is fast, 35 minutes or less. While the treatment area is numb during the procedure and for awhile afterwards, it’s something that most patients find relatively comfortable.

No anesthesia for CoolSculpting procedures.

There will be a bit of post-treatment soreness and tension in the targeted area, but patients typically go back to work immediately and many will even hit the gym that night. “That is revolutionary,” shares Camp, since liposuction patients suffer extensive post-op swelling that prohibits them from getting back to their daily life in a timely fashion. Patients love CoolSculpting because they are able to see meaningful results in, “a way that has a low impact on their lives”.

Results Are Permanent

Patients always want to know if the results are permanent. Bottom line, when a fat cell dies, it does not come back, but the remaining fat cells can still get bigger. It is then up to the patient to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. If a patient reduces the size of her love handles, for example, with CoolSculpting, she can’t then go out and gain 10 pounds and expect those great results to last. It is important that your plastic surgeon take time during the consultation to explain exactly what is expected of you post treatment in order to ensure that your results endure.

CoolSculpting before and after - abdomen.

It Usually Requires 2 or More Treatments

The other important point that patients seeking CoolSculpting versus liposuction must understand is that CoolSculpting will require more than one treatment to see results. Dr. Camp typically treats an area twice. He knows, scientifically, that the amount of fat reduction that he’ll get in the treatment area is about 20%. And though sometimes a patient will get a result after only one treatment, he wants them to be really satisfied so he always recommends two treatments, spaced about 45-60 days apart. The final results will take about 90 days to appear.

The most popular treatment areas for men and women are the same: the waistline, hips, love handles, and lower abdominal pooch. “It’s really about the gut. It’s the battle of the bulge and how are you going to beat it,” explains Camp. CoolSculpting makes patients feel better, and look better both in clothes and out. Dr. Camp offers his patients the Cool Advantage which is a new CoolSculpting probe that delivers the same great results in about half the time as well as DualSculpting. Because he is lucky to have two machines, it gives him the flexibility to attach the right and left side probes at the same time which really streamlines the process for the patient.

Men Love CoolSculpting

“I think one of the really powerful things about having minimally-invasive body contouring is that it’s unlocked access to a whole new group of patients – men,” says Camp. The reality is that men want to look good just as much as women, but they’re not as willing to put up with the fuss. Even if a man needs liposuction, the idea of wearing a compression garment for weeks would probably make him lose interest.

Thanks to CoolSculpting, Dr. Camp has seen a real shift in the volume of men in his practice. Historically, his practice has been 85-90% women with some men seeking certain procedures such as eyelid rejuvenation and neck lifts. Now, 30-40% of his CoolSculpting patients are men. They treat the fat under the neck, the waistline, and the love handles. With men especially, CoolSculpting has proven to be an unexpected winner.