The Plastic Surgery Channel

Pornhub Signals The Drooping Popularity of Big Breasts

According to the online porn site, Pornhub, the popularity of big breasts is going down because online searches are not what they used to be. While Pornhub can only really speak for their own search traffic and metrics, is there any indication of a trend away from larger breasts? Board certified plastic surgeons discuss on the latest episode of No Spin Live.

Porn and Plastic Surgery – Unlikely and Rare Bedfellows

The world of porn may be useful from time to time to understand body trends and what blooming generations are into. This can potentially line up with what plastic surgeons see in their offices, but the two are not directly correlated.

For board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jason Pozner, he has seen little to suggest that big breasts are being avoided by the younger generations. “You know, I don’t really believe that,” he shares. “Didn’t we just spend a couple weeks ago talking about Kendall Jenner’s new boobs and how she went bigger? That’s going to drive all of the rest of millennials into our offices. I’m finding that the younger patients still want boobs. They may not want as big of boobs as the 40 year old patients, but the younger ones have always been reasonably sized in their expectations.”

For Dr. Pozner practicing in Florida, trends are not always the average across the country and world. Florida trends are their own, so what about a region a little more conservative, like Boston?

“I think everyone likes breasts in Boston!” exclaims Dr. Sean Doherty, a board certified plastic surgeon in the city. “I don’t necessarily see the trend that people are not interested in breasts. I have plenty of young patients that are coming in interested in breasts. Boston tends to be more conservative, at least my patients in Boston. They are still interested it. Just one comment: Since when do we look at porn searches for a barometer of what we do? I don’t know, is that right?”

The rest of the panel also practices in the Northeast, a region typically known for more conservative surgical requests as the climate and associated clothing tend to favor. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Zienowicz believes a more often noticed trend is a move away from breasts to attract others. Empowered women practicing things such as bodybuilding are looking to complete the control of their body with a breast augmentation – and not necessarily “for the boys”.

“I find that in my practice, the patients are coming in – bodybuilders, they’re doing all this Instagram portraits and what not,” shares Dr. Zienowicz. “They want the breasts for themselves and their girlfriends, I don’t think it’s for the guys.”

The Trends of Millennials Reach Beyond Big Breasts

The millennial generation seem to continually trip itself into society’s cross hairs as they move into adulthood and soon-to-be middling age. When it comes to their bodies and image, their trends also differ from generations before, while social media allows them to shout it louder than before.

Big breasts and millennials.

“The bottom line is this, guys. The new millennials? The boys want to look like girls and the girls want to look like boys,” says board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dan Del Vecchio, also of Boston. “I completely buy into the fact that small boobs are more fashionable to them. They’re more concerned about what’s going on on Snapchat and Instagram than the size of their boobies. I think all of us are dealing with practices that have absolutely little to nothing to do with what Millennials want to do.”

When it comes to deciding what trends are in or out, for now we’ll trust in the guys and gals performing the surgeries over the purveyors of online porn.