The Plastic Surgery Channel

Scrotox – Yes, the Combination of Botox with Scrotums

Apparently a new use for Botox involves glamorizing the scrotum. Yes, you read that correctly. Men wishing for a smoother, larger scrotum have turned to physician’s offering a Botox injection to help them achieve their desires.

On the latest episode of No Spin Live, board certified plastic surgeons discuss the bizarre “procedure” and whether or not they have had any experience with curious patients.

Scrotox? Seriously?

Scrotox is admittedly a catchy name. What it represents, however, may be beyond the pale for board certified plastic surgeons.

“You know those toilet seats that are an extra level up? That’s actually not because people have problems with their hip flexion when their old, but so their scrota don’t fall into the water of the toilet,” jokes Dr. Dan Del Vecchio of Boston. “The problem with Scrotox is – it’s not the sagging of the scrotum, it’s the actual stretching of it. If you go to any of the sex shops in SoHo London, you’ll see these things called, ‘Scrotal Stretchers.’ They’re like tissue expanders that literally stretch the scrotum out. So I think this is another way to stretch the scrotum out.”

After a Scrotox procedure.

Is This a Real and/or Common Procedure?

Beyond a small collection of niche practitioners offering the service, do normal surgeons have to field this question from patients?

That would be a hard “no” for board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Pat McGuire of St. Louis. “Fortunately, I have not seen anybody come in asking for this.”

Dr. Grant Stevens, a board certified plastic surgeon in Marina Del Rey, also finds the procedure bizarre. “It’s crazy; I can’t understand the attraction,” he admits. “I don’t get it, I’ve asked a bunch of women about it. Is that supposed to be sexy? To have a big ball sack? What’s the point here? I’ve never had anyone ask me for it – a smoother scrotum, a larger ball sack, I just don’t know.”

Dr. Stephens has a better chance of coming across this procedure than most, as he created and operates Marina ManLand, a plastic surgery office aimed exclusively for men. As a one-of-a-king practice that specializes in providing cosmetic improvement and rejuvenation for men, one might think Dr. Stevens may have run into this before, or at least once. Think again.

“No one has ever come into Marina ManLand and said, ‘I want a smooth, big ball sack.'” – Grant Stevens, MD

Scrotox seems to be yet another fad where a handful of practitioners are more than happy to take patients’ money to inject some Botox for obtuse reasons.