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Non-Surgical Buttock Augmentation with Sculptra

Buttock augmentation continues to rise in popularity, in response to a growing appreciation for the behind. With more and more would-be patients examining their buttock and hoping for a subtle boost, the question then becomes – is there anything that can be done sans surgery? Non-surgical buttock augmentation is a possibility, thanks to the help of a facial injectable called Sculptra.

For some, a flat buttock is genetic. For others, it gradually happens as part of aging, or as the result of weight fluctuations. With pop culture icons trending toward bigger booties in recent years, the rest of the country has become hyper-aware of the state of their backsides. In Phoenix, Arizona, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson is often approached by patients looking to enhance their bottoms without going Hollywood huge.  

“I’m geographically in an area of the country where people really don’t want the ‘From A to Z,’” says Parson. “They kind of want ‘From A to C.’  They want improvements, they want a beautification of that area, but not a complete transformation of that area.” Enter Sculptra and a non-surgical buttock augmentation.

What Is Sculptra?

First approved by the FDA in 2004 for restoring volume in the face, Sculptra has been around for well over a decade. Unlike hyaluronic acid based fillers, Sculptra is an injectable filler that contains a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid. This same material is used in dissolvable sutures. It is a biodegradable substance that the body gradually absorbs. “Sculptra helps to trigger our own collagen cells to come in and rebuild, replace and volumize,” explains Dr. Parson. “It can even improve the skin tone.”

As the body absorbs the injected Sculptra, it stimulates collagen production. The new collagen restores fullness and some volume naturally to the area injected, while simultaneously improving the texture of the skin. Due to its ability to gradually stimulate collagen production, Sculptra provides a very natural, smooth result over time.

Sculptra Buttock Lift.

Think of it like a Photoshop touch-up taking place gradually, from the inside. Sculptra can smooth out dimples and restore volume to your derrière, with lasting results.

Sculptra vs. Surgical Butt Augmentation

Sculptra is certainly not a replacement for the Brazilian butt lift. It is, however, a great alternative for patients who aren’t a candidate for surgery, or those who don’t want to undergo the difficult recovery associated with the tried and true surgical method.  

Brazilian butt lift surgery involves the transfer of fat from another area or areas of the body, to the buttock. For many people, finding donor fat isn’t an issue. Slimming down love handles or a waist in order to get a shapelier behind is often part of the benefit of the procedure. Not everyone, however, has extra fat. “Some patients aren’t candidates for surgery because they just don’t have the extra fat to transfer from one area to the other,” points out Dr. Parson. “Sculptra is great, maybe even ideal, in that type of situation.”

Surgery also involves significant downtime. “There’s a long period where, frankly, they can’t even sit down,” says Parson. Sculptra, on the other hand, has very little downtime. After the injection, the patient may experience some localized tenderness. Within 48 hours they are able to resume normal activity and return to exercise. “It’s basically a weekend of being a little sore,” describes Parson.

Benefits of Sculptra Non-Surgical Butt Augmentation

What to Expect During a Sculptra Procedure

Typically, a series of treatments is required to achieve the best results with Sculptra. Each treatment requires an office visit that lasts between thirty to ninety minutes on average. First, the buttocks in numbed with numbing cream or a local anesthetic. Next, small cannulas are used to inject the Sculptra.  Afterward, the patient is instructed to gently massage the area.

Depending on the patient’s starting point and the patient’s goals, Dr. Parson has used anywhere from ten to forty vials of Sculptra over a treatment period. Each treatment period is spread out with several weeks between each injection appointment.

The chances of a negative side effect, such as an infection at the injection site, are less than one percent. The low risks involved are one more reason that Sculptra non-surgical buttock augmentation is attractive to many patients over surgery. Another major positive are the natural looking, long-lasting results. While not nearly as comprehensive as surgical buttock augmentation, for a simple injectable product, the results are quite inspiring.

“We can get significant volume to the buttock, and it should last for about seven years,” says Parson. “Sculptra non-surgical buttock augmentation is a great new tool that we have to offer patients who maybe aren’t candidates for surgery or really don’t want all the negative downside that can be associated with surgery.”