The Plastic Surgery Channel

“Facial Refreshing” – Leave The Tired Look Behind

As we age, the goal for many people is to maintain a positive attitude about how we look – especially when it comes to the face. In recent years, it’s been standard practice to refer to cosmetic treatments (or any series of treatments) to the face as facial rejuvenation, but that may be changing. Veteran board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lou Bucky explains why ‘facial refreshing’ is becoming the new standard in mature beauty.

Refreshing vs. Rejuvenation

You have no doubt heard about the practice of facial rejuvenation to restore a youthful look to certain areas of the face. Facial rejuvenation can be accomplished through either surgical or non-surgical options. Experts say the idea of rejuvenation may be past it’s prime. “As we get more sophisticated – evaluating the results from both surgical and non surgical treatments of the face – facial rejuvenation may not be the best term,” says Dr. Bucky.

He thinks ‘facial refreshing’ is a better phrase for patients who want to erase a worn out look, or just simply desire to look better as they’ve grown older.”They come in and say that people ask them if I’m tired or unhappy,” shares Bucky. “Oftentimes, the treatments we are doing for patients with so called aging faces is not making them younger; we’re making them look better.”

Methods of “Refreshing”

The name may be different, but the areas of the face that cause aging remain the same. On the surface, loose skin, hyper pigmentation and other surface-level issues can be addressed with a number of non-surgical devices. Surgical procedures like a brow lift, eye lift, facelift or neck lift are reserved for when a major answer is needed to major aging. Prior to surgery, most common facial aging issues can be refreshed with famously effective, miracle substance known as Botox, as well as it’s sibling, dermal fillers. Microneedling and chemical peels are two other options that should always be considered, considerably their power.

The methods are consistent, but the approach has changed. “We’re operating more from emotion than we are for age,” shares Bucky. He indicates it’s no longer about a person’s age, but about how a patient wants to feel. That often creates a whole new dimension of ‘refreshing.’ “If we allow a patient to look happier, they often feel happier,” he says.

Facial Happiness

When the face is in harmony, everything just works. Dr. Bucky says when you feel good about what you see in the mirror, it shines through everywhere else. “I don’t know if we can call it facial happiness, but we can define it as something other than rejuvenation.” Bucky says he has seen the evidence in his own results with mature patients who want to refresh their facial look.

Bucky says he will continue to practice facial refreshing over the idea of rejuvenation, as long as it continues to produce significant results and satisfied patients. “Some of our happiest, or most satisfied patients, have had facial refreshing as opposed to facial rejuvenation,” he concludes.