The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Spin Live Episode 68 – Wendy Williams and her Breast Augmentation

At 54, talk show host Wendy Williams has fabulously elevated breasts. She recently revealed the secret to her “perky” breasts on a May episode of her self-titled talk show. She had breast implants placed under the muscle in 1994. She went a step further and recommended that any woman thinking about breast implants should only have them placed under the muscle.

Some in the media complained that Ms. Williams had gone too far by sharing too much information. In episode 68 of No Spin Live, Dr. William P. Adams Jr. of Dallas, Dr. Jason Pozner of Boca Raton, and Dr. Mark D. Epstein of Hauppauge, New York discuss whether or not what Ms. Williams said is true. Is it really better to place breast implants under the muscle?

Is Under the Muscle Placement Better?

There are a lot of decisions that a woman needs to make when considering a breast augmentation. These include:

A breast implant can be placed either above or below the pectoralis muscle. Each has its pros and cons. Talk show host Wendy Williams, however, recently came out strongly in favor of below the muscle placement on a recent edition of her popular talk show. She revealed that the secret to her “elevated” breasts is that she had breast implants in 1994. And the reason that they still look so good is because she had her breast implants placed under the muscle. She went on to recommend that any women considering a breast augmentation should only get her implants placed under the muscle.

Breast implants above and below the muscle.

While Dr. Epstein does not necessarily believe that a talk show host is always the best source for medical advice, he couldn’t agree more with Ms. Williams’ recommendation. As an internationally recognized expert in breast surgery who has performed countless breast augmentation procedures, he has found “very little indication to ever go above the muscle.”

Positive View on Breast Implants is Appreciated

Furthermore, with all of the recent media attention on the downside of breast implants and whether they do or do not cause illness, it is good that Ms. Williams came out, talking about her surgery, and “how happy she is,” says Dr. Epstein. People love to complain, and the media is much more interested in negativity than positivity. “It’s nice to see someone who is out there and is in the media, who people respect, and she has something positive to say [about her breast implants].”

Dr. Pozner couldn’t agree more. He uses the analogy of a restaurant. Hundreds of people may eat there and have a great meal, but the media and online review sites tend to only focus on that one negative review. The same thing is true with breast implants. “There are millions and millions of women out there with breast implants who’ve had them for years and years and who are completely satisfied, and never say a word,” he shares. “It’s nice to see someone happy.”

Why is Under the Muscle Placement Better?

Like his colleagues, Dr. Adams applauds Ms. Williams for coming out in favor of under the muscle placement. As a breast augmentation expert, he believes that placing a breast implant under the muscle is almost always the best choice for the patient. There are certain women who are going to do better with an above the muscle placement, but this is the exception. As witnessed by Ms. Williams, placing a breast implant under the muscle delivers:

Furthermore, when a breast implant is placed under the muscle, the blood supply to the breast is better. This can become profoundly important as women age. With time, the skin and tissues of the breast can change and the breast may begin to sag or droop. Older women often come back in wanting a breast lift and/or to replace or exchange their breast implants. Typically, women want to go smaller as they get older. A healthy blood supply to the breast creates a better environment for any future breast surgery that a patient may want down the road.