The Plastic Surgery Channel

FAQ – How to Avoid Overfilled Lips

Perhaps the most noticeably overdone cosmetic procedure in the last few years is an overfilled pair of lips. Young beauty stars like Kendall and Kylie Jenner rock plump, luscious lips, driving many who follow them to wonder if they, too, can achieve fuller lips. The answer is yes, but this is a procedure that needs to be done with a deft hand.

Facial fillers and Botox truly are magical substances when it comes to erasing age from the face. The right amount of Botox can wipe away fine lines and lighter wrinkles, potentially decreasing the patient’s aged look by years and years. The trick, however, is that right amount.

All over the media and in day-to-day life, many patients who were over-injected are noticeable. Overfilled, puffy cheeks that cause deformity and over injected Botox that causes facial muscles to hardly function can combine to create a very unnatural look. Just as patients need to be careful about how aggressive they utilize Botox and fillers, they need to be even more conservative with fillers for the lips.

Fillers with lips.

Lip fillers grew from the same dermal fillers used on the face once patients and physicians realized a little bit could create an extraordinary plump. Now with specific fillers for the lips in the array of fillers, practitioners are able to craft a subtle but powerful result based on patients’ unique characteristics. That said, it’s very easy to overdo, and not every practitioner who offers Botox and fillers are true experts.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Doherty explains how patients curious about lip fillers can go about achieving the right plump without overfilling.