The Plastic Surgery Channel

Plastic Surgery Secrets – Holiday Nightmare Stories

With the wonderful time that the Christmas season brings, often it is salted with some nightmare tales when we all get together. From gifts gone awry, travel woes, food disasters, and more, the gathering of families and friends (often in confined spaces) offers us the best and worst of each other. Highlighted and exaggerated in Christmas movie classics from A Christmas Story, Home Alone, and Christmas Vacation, every family has a tale or two that, while frustrating at the time, makes us all laugh when it becomes Christmas past.

Our favorite surgeons are also fathers and mothers and sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, a part of a family that gathers once a year for the holidays. In this Plastic Surgery Secrets, board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Bill G. Kortesis, Dr. Brian Brzowski, and Dr. Bruce Van Natta share their own holiday nightmare stories!