The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Spin Live Special Edition – CoronaVirus CVD-19 in Italy

Now a  global pandemic, the Coronavirus CVD-19 has affected nations across the world. In this Special Edition of No Spin Live, Expert Italian Plastic Surgeons Drs. Andriano Santorelli, Pierfrancesco Cirillo, Barbara Cagli, and Andrea Spano join Dr. William P. Adams Jr to  discuss the difficult Italian experience with  CVD-19.

These expert give their advice and insights.  In Italy they feel the public, in general, did not realize the  severity of the problem with  CVD-19, and this  caused a large  spike of cases that overwhelmed the healthcare system in Northern Italy.  Currently, strict guidelines are being followed in Italy with social distancing and no large public gatherings.   The doctors believe that these measures will gradually lessen the burden in Italy, and also will attenuate the growth of Coronavirus in other countries in Europe and the US.