The Plastic Surgery Channel

Masks Lockdowns and Vaccine for COVID-19

Masks, social distancing, lockdowns and vaccines… These are just some of the questions that many people are asking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our experts are back again for another Special Edition of No Spin Live, this time joined by special guest and board certified orthopedic surgeon Lee Merritt, MD of Omaha, NE and board certified plastic surgeons Tom Wiener, MD of Houston, TX  and host William P. Adams Jr., MMD of Dallas, TX.

Dr. Merritt obtained her medical degree from University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. After graduation, she went off to the Navy where she completed an orthopedic and spinal residency, in addition to her internal medicine residency there. While her time in the military, Dr. Merritt was also part of the Navy Research Advisory Committee that participated in a Bioweapons Taskforce.

During that time, she focused on the Smallpox virus. One of the reasons her ears perked up during the so-called COVID-19 pandemic is because she knew masks have never worked for airborne viruses. She also has noted discrepancies and “weird” science touted by so-called experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. She has  spent many hours of research on the topic for many years.

Fear of another lockdown while dealing with the consequences of today’s current lockdown, Dr. Merritt goes into some of her recent studies and discusses what she has learned through her research. When COVID-19 first broke out of China, it was clearly an issue where doctors and nurses were dying from this virus. This is when Dr. Merritt knew we had a bigger issue on our hands. With over 40 years of medicine practice, Dr. Merritt knew that we have advanced enough in medicine to approach this strategically, but  feels the world largely missed the mark on a proper plan.

Mask Science

Dr. Merritt discusses “Evidence Based Science” behind masks, which she states “when you look at the evidence, the evidence is not there.” She references an excellent paper written by Denis Rancourt, a former Physicist professor at the University of Ottawa, who reviews the literature on masks.

“Even if masks work, the way we wear them could not possibly work. Because the minute you move that mask off your face, it becomes totally irrelevant.”

The group continues a vibrant discussion on many other topics including:

  1. lockdowns
  2. social distancing science
  3. vaccines

The topic is clearly an evolving one and the experts expect many changes in sentiment and strategy over the next few months.

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