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TikTok Doc From Ohio Loses Medical License

Board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Dustin Reid and Dr. Craig Colville discuss a “TikTok Doc” from Ohio...

  • Breast Aesthetics Overview

    What is breast aesthetics? Not all female breasts are created alike, and a woman cannot choose the natural shape or size of her breasts.  Age, pregnancy, or heredity can cause droopy, saggy, or asymmetrical breasts.  Other times, illness such as cancer can require the removal of one or both breasts via a...

  • Male Pec Implants – The Truth

    There have been increases in the number of men who want to enhance their bodies through cosmetic surgery. Many men who can’t achieve their desired results from working out or can’t find the time to make it to the gym rely on pectoral implant surgery to enhance the appearance of their bodies. ...

  • Choosing the Right Breast Implants

    Breast implants are used in a plastic surgery procedure called breast augmentation or augmentation mammaplasty, which helps to increase the size or improve the contour of female breasts, usually for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery performed...

  • Liposuction | Fat Removal – What You Need to Know

    Despite many attempts to lose to what is commonly referred to as the “bulge,” many people struggle with getting rid of localized fat deposits, even with diet and exercise. Even for someone in good overall health, metabolism, heredity, and other factors can cause small bulges that just won’t go away. Liposuction is...

  • Thigh Lift – Answering the Common Questions

    Getting a thigh lift can be a great way to achieve firmer, smoother upper legs. A thigh lift, or thighplasty, is often performed on someone who has lost a great deal of weight, either by natural or surgical methods. A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin and...

  • Tummy Tuck: What to Know about Tightening your Stomach

    A tummy tuck is one of the most effective ways to tighten your stomach if you suffer from loose or sagging skin, stretch marks, excess fat tissue, or muscle separation, all usually caused by a significant weight loss or pregnancy. In these situations, exercise such as sit ups or crunches cannot help,...

  • An Overview of CosmoDerm CosmoPlast Collagen Injections

    Lines, wrinkles and creases in the face are a natural result of sun exposure and aging. Many beauty rejuvenation procedures exist that can help reduce these signs of aging with both surgical and chemical skin treatments. A popular alternative to surgery is CosmoDerm or CosmoPlast, which smoothes out facial wrinkles and irregularities...

  • Collagen Implants: The Facts about Zyderm and Zyplast

    Zyderm and Zyplast are the first injectable collagen implants approved by the FDA and have been in use for more than 25 years.  Zyderm is used to smoothen fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, while Zyplast treats deeper wrinkles, frown lines, and scars and enhances volume in the face...

  • Botox Helps You Put Your Best Face Forward

    Like millions of Americans, you might have severe wrinkles or frown lines on your face and forehead that you’d like to see disappear. For many people, the answer lies in BOTOX® injections, a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that temporarily improves the appearance of facial wrinkles. According to, more than 2.4 million BOTOX...

  • Liposuction – Before & After

    See how ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) have this 32-year-old woman the smooth contours she wanted by eliminating pockets of excess fat on her stomach, hips and thighs.

  • Chemical Peel – A Safe and Effective Way to Improve Your Skin

    A chemical peel, or derma-peeling, can effectively and dramatically improve the appearance of the face and skin for people who experience severe facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. Unlike over-the-counter creams and medications, which don’t treat the root of the problem, a chemical peel removes the skin’s damaged outer layers to...

  • Breast Reduction Surgery – Knowing the Facts

    Breast reduction surgery is appropriate for women who have excessively large breasts for their body size and frame. Many women with this condition find that the disproportionate size of their breasts causes continuous pain in their back and/or chest, and can lead to other health problems. In extreme cases of gigantomastia, breast...