Peter Callan, MD Plastic Surgeon Videos

Woman holds baby.

Personalizing a Tummy Tuck for Your Unique Needs

Breast Lifts with Implants: One or two stage procedure?

Woman examining cellulite on her leg.

Finally, Ditch the Cellulite Dimples!

Inspecting breast implants.

How to Handle Sagging Breasts?

Woman applies makeup.

Revive Your Face, No Surgery Required

Middle-aged woman smiling.

Pump Up the Volume… in your Face!

PSC members discussing.

Drooping Brows and Sagging Lids: How Big are the Procedures to Fix Them?

Woman holding kettle bell and child.

AB-solutely! A Tummy Tuck is Right For You

Shaped Implants Offer Surgeons More Options to Craft Better Results