One of the most common conditions for people of all ages, genders, races and body types is...
We are all guilty of constant attachment to our smart phones, iPads and computers. The downward gaze at...
At Charlotte Plastic Surgery, the group of surgeons aren’t just part of a medical practice, they are...
The same breasts that gave you the confidence to wear a bikini when you first had them...
Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. Today, men of all ages and...
Do you look in the mirror and feel like you are seeing your mother or grandmother? You...
Knowledge is power, and for women undergoing an elective surgical procedure, being well informed can make all...
As we age, our relationship with our mirrors gets stronger and stronger. Seeing ourselves age can be...
You’re tired, overworked and just need a break. It’s a common theme among many Americans and now...
It may have been the forgotten part of the body at one time, but no longer. Women...
Busy lifestyles can often stymie a trip to the gym. Your exercise regimen is pretty good, but...
Casual observers of plastic surgery have heard of the facelift procedure, conjuring an image of some celebrity...
Dr. Kevin Smith of Charlotte Plastic Surgery stays busy seeing numerous patients each week. A large majority...
There’s just something different about a tummy tuck procedure. Incorrectly thought of as a weight-loss operation, a...
Breast augmentation, also know as breast enlargement surgery (or even a “boob job”) has been and continues...
Sunscreen can go a long way toward protecting you from skin cancer and premature aging. That euphoric...
You’ve been considering plastic surgery, yet many questions remain about the steps to take prior to the...
It’s in the middle of your face and can draw more attention than even your eyes. Surgical...
The deadliest drug problem in America is the abuse of prescription pain medication. A recent study by...
Plastic surgery is often thought of as a collection of beauty enhancing procedures that take an aged...