Today there are many options and alternatives to turn back the effects of time. The comprehensive surgical...
Although they are tempting (and often very effective), jumping on every new plastic surgery treatment, therapy or...
There comes a day when the mirror is no longer our friend. It starts slowly, but eventually...
You’ve tried lotions, potions and lasers, yet nothing seems to smooth out the dimply appearance caused by...
A halo, or ring of light that surrounds a person in art has been used for centuries to...
Interested in restoring a youthful glow to your face with little to no downtime? With all of...
LASIK is one of the most widely performed operations in the world. It’s the modern, precise way...
It’s ‘about face’! The first thing we notice when we meet someone for the first time is...
At first sight, the glow of a suntan looks like a sign of good health. However, sun...
Face lifts could be considered the “face” of plastic surgery, as it’s one of the most well-known...
Modern advancements in both the science of medicine and devices have created a paradigm shift within plastic...
Reduce fat, tighten your skin and get rid of years of sun damage. Today, there’s plenty of...
Non-invasive procedures continue to gain popularity thanks to new technology that keeps patients looking young, while avoiding...
A Boca Raton plastic surgeon says you no longer have to live with unsightly scars. Whether it’s...